NBA/WMU Hispanic World Day of Prayer

Monday evening, November 4th, we had a great time of worship, singing and prayer at the NBA WMU Hispanic World Day of Prayer at Iglesia Bautista Hispana Renacer. About 30 of our NBA family gathered to join with WMU leaders around the world for this special prayer emphasis. Pastor Eliab Saenz gave us a warm welcome. Isabel Britton, Hispanic Consultant for our NBA WMU, led us in singing and Scripture readings. We heard wonderful testimonies and reports from several WMU projects: El Caribe, Historia de Fe, Proyecto Horticultural y Capacitacion, Entrenamiento para el Procesamiento de fruta and Pueblos Originarios al Origen. Then we formed seven teams and gathered around focus tables to pray for specific requests from Europe, Caribbean, Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and South West Pacific. The theme this year was Levantate y Resplandece, “Rise and Shine”. Our NBA WMU Director Linda Dice and other leaders were there to celebrate this event.

Mark Harvey